American software solutions

Recruter On Demand

Your hiring needs go
through highs and lows.
Why should your recruiter
be ‘fixed’?

Hiring needs in any organization – irrespective of the industry or niche - remain in a state of perpetual flux or transformation. There are several reasons for this such as seasonal spikes (when you need to ramp up your hiring), low seasons (when you don’t need the full bench strength of recruiters any more) and sudden contingencies such as a new product that suddenly needs to be developed to respond to a competitor’s move, or an unplanned company branch in a new city that needs to be manned quickly with fresh talent. Organizations caught off guard due to this flux usually respond with a knee-jerk reaction by straining their limited resources or reaching out to their ‘emergency circles’. The result is usually a compromise on quality – talent that is available on short notice, and, not surprisingly, sub-par.

Hiring power when you need it. Respite from retainership costs when you don’t.

On Demand Recruiting provides highly specialized and precision targeted recruiting support to hiring teams and caters to both sudden and long-range recruiting requirements. In short, whenever the occasion demands it. Essentially, it means getting recruiters who get paid by the hour or project. We are fast entering an age where companies are moving away from temporary or contract hirers and turning to On Demand Recruiting Partners as a strategic, profitable and unbeatable business advantage.

A host of unique benefits.
Delivered On-demand.

Recruiters-on-Demand come with a suite of benefits like experienced and specialist recruiters exclusively dedicated to your task, excellent quality of results right from Day One, an easy and flexible Plug-&-Play format, a non-disruptive format that syncs with your processes seamlessly, great talent pipelines for the future, zero contractual bindings, the power to scale and grow at will, and unique features like ‘ONE-DAY RECRUITER’ and ‘HALF DAY RECRUITER’ that boosts your organization’s hiring power for short periods of high impact.

Smart results.
At smart costs.

In these times of smart business, American software solutions’s ROD (Recruiter on Demand) brings you the smartest way to save on your recruitment costs while boosting the quality of your hires.

  • Experienced recruiters usually come at a premium in today’s market. When you on-board someone as your in-house resource, you ensure that a sizeable retainership amount goes out of your kitty every month. Add regular incentive and appraisals – and you have a cost graph that’s starts high and keeps rising steadily. Compare this with American software solutions’s Recruiters-on-Demand, who come for a fixed and reasonable monthly charge – no additions, strings or hidden costs.
  • Then there is the matter of the job portals and boards, with the better ones charging substantial monthly membership fees. With American software solutions’s ROD, you save on that entire amount, since we are already members on these boards and portals, and are happy to pass on the pecuniary benefit to you.
  • Another big area where American software solutions’s ROD helps you rein-in expenses majorly are real estate (space taken on rent / ownership), infrastructure, connectivity (phone, broadband, etc) and staff facilities (refreshments, pickup & drop, etc). With our off-site team, you don’t spend a time on the liabilities in this list.
  • With our veteran team of domain-experts, we help you optimize costs even more by cutting-down on training costs, as well.
  • Recurring spends on Software and systems such as Technologies such as Application Tracking Systems are hardly ignore-able either - unless you are on our ROD program, of course.
  • External vendor costs can be a recurring outlay on your balance sheet – going upto Rs 40K (or more) for just a couple of hires. With us, your cost in this area is exactly Rs 0!

Client Review

  • Our Happy Client

    “Every company has a secret sauce. American software solutions has many. And they combine them brilliantly to tailor killer solutions for clients – no matter what the industry or emergency”.

  • Our Happy Client

    “These guys work like clockwork and deliver exactly as promised. Indeed, more often than not, they go well beyond. And they do it all with a smile. That’s more than what I can say about some industry bigwigs I have dealt with.”

  • Our Happy Client

    “These guys set us free from the intractable challenges of hiring and allowed us to return to what we do best: Focus on our big vision.”

  • Our Happy Client

    “American software solutions delivers a truly inclusive gamut of specializations that open up new doors of possibilities and opportunities. It’s the best thing about working with them!”.

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